At EarlyEd Consulting & Strategy Group, LLC (EECS Group) we offer consulting services that impact teacher effectiveness in early childhood education, childcare programs, and kindergarten through third grade. Our services extend to Head Start and childcare programs, school district administrators and principals, education policymakers and researchers who are looking for ways to improve professional development opportunities for the early childhood education workforce. Our approach focuses on strategies that are evidence-based in early literacy instruction, classroom management, and continuity and coordination between childcare, preschool and kindergarten through third grade (K-3). Our services include practice-based coaching, professional development, classroom management and data analytics aimed at understanding how classroom data can improve teaching practices and classroom management. Get in touch with us by subscribing below to stay connected!

Myra G. Crouch, PhD, CEO & Education Consultant
My life’s work has been to motivate educators and administrators to implement evidence-based practices toward achieving school readiness aimed at the academic achievement of young children enrolled in preschool through third grade (PreK-3). I have spent the last 20 years working directly with educators and administrators in Head Start, childcare and public school systems to improve quality in teaching practices and learning environments for young children. As a former Head Start Administrator and director of technical assistance, I have significant experience analyzing education policy and translating policy to practice. As an accomplished speaker and trainer working across multiple levels within early childhood education, I stand ready to customize a plan that will work for your teachers and education supervisors. My education background in developmental psychology and educational psychology has equipped me with critical knowledge and education research experience of which I can support you with customizing strategies aimed at improving teaching practices and outcomes for students. I am certified in Practice-Based Coaching, Time to Teach™, a classroom management strategy, and as a certified CLASS Infant, Toddler, and Pre-K observer. I am also available as a professional development provider supporting Virginia Quality Birth to Five (VBQ5) efforts that includes the Virginia Preschool Development Grant (PDG) and Ready Regions Communities.

Let’s Succeed Together!
Welcome to our consulting and strategy group! We support educators and administrators with the tools and guidance needed to succeed in their respective childcare and early childhood education setting. Early childhood education is a period of time from a child's birth to age 8. Our strategic advisors bring a wealth of experience across the early childhood education sector (pre-k to 3rd grade) aimed at supporting program management, family engagement, curriculum and instruction, child assessment, early literacy, and meeting the needs of the diversity that are unique to what your students and families bring. Dr. Crouch brings leadership as a strategic advisor and professional development expert who is widely recognized in the field as successfully advancing the professional development of the early childhood education workforce across pre-k through third grade. Select from the menu tab of services listed to learn more about the education consulting services offered. Dr. Crouch will work with you on a developing a customized plan to get your team started today!